Why filter your water?
Water is the most essential component to life.
Water is vital. Water is required for so many functions in the body, including flushing out waste, regulating temperature and helping your brain function.
So, what’s in Australian tap water?
The bad news: Chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, pesticides – even residues of pharmaceutical drugs, they all end up in our drinking water. Fluoride is also a water contaminant found in much of Australia’s water supply and is currently the only example of mass medication in the world.
The main fluoride chemical added to our water supply is hydrofluorosilicic acid, an industrial by-product from the phosphate fertilizer industry. FACT!
It has been said that convincing the general public to add fluoride to the water supply was one of the most sophisticated cons of all time. It created a multi-billion dollar industry and enabled manufacturers to sell this worthless toxic byproduct of aluminum for a profit.
It has also been well established that fluoride has a long list of detrimental health effects. It has been strongly associated with cancer, arthritis, nerve damage and metabolic disease. And contrary to popular belief, it can cause damage to teeth and bones called fluorosis.
The good news: Water Filtration Systems are now affordable and effective!
There are many different types of water filters: a pitcher, a tap-mount, a counter-top filter, an under-sink filter or a whole-house water filter. You should choose the option that works best with your family’s lifestyle and that will be easiest to use consistently.
There are many excellent water filters on the market. We use counter-top filter systems and our two favourites are the Southern Cross Pottery Water Filter and the Berkey Water Filter.
*Thriving People does not receive compensation from products recommended on this site. Every company and product featured on this page is one that we use and love for ourselves and our family.
Southern Cross Pottery Water Filter
Southern Cross Pottery specialises in the manufacture of all hand made stoneware gravity fed water purifiers. Southern Cross Pottery water purifiers remove virtually all impurities including giardia, chlorine and fluoride. Using a carbon and ceramic filter, the water is stored in a perfect environment free of plastics and metals and the water is cooled naturally, all without the need for plumbing or electricity. Unlike reverse osmosis and distillation, the system does not remove healthful minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and does not leave the water tasting flat, all for only a few cents per litre.
The handmade pottery stoneware looks great on any bench top at home or at the office. And best of all, they’re Australian made!
Visit the Southern Cross Pottery website to find out more
Berkey Water Filter
Our other favourite water purifier is the Berkey (yes, we have one of each!).
Berkey water filters are a non-electric, portable, gravity-fed water filtering system that filter 99.9% of contaminants including as viruses, bacteria, environmental pollutants, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals from our water supply.
We have owned our Berkey for over 3 years now and have found it to be an easy, thorough and cost-effective solution to filtering our family’s water.
The technology that Berkey uses to purify water is able to handle the very smallest of water contaminants, making it one of the most powerful water filtering systems available. Berkey filters are even used to purify non-drinkable water in third world countries by relief organisations like UNICEF, the Peace Corps, Missionary organisations and the Red Cross.
And the best part, the water tastes clean and delicious. Berkey filters come in different sizes from the cute little 1L Go Berkey Kit all the way to the monster 24.6L Crown Berkey.
Remember, water is life! So here’s to all of us having access to healthy, clean drinking water! Cheers!