Essentail Oils Thriving People

An indispensable tool in your family’s heath arsenal.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are concentrated, aromatic plant extracts that have been used for thousands of years for emotional, cosmetic, medical and even spiritual purposes. The term “essential oil” actually comes from the idea of “quintessential oil.” Quintessential means “embodying or possessing the essence of something”. In this way, essential oils are drawn from the very essence of the plant.

Essential oils are no fad! Their therapeutic benefit is backed by thousands of years of history. Did you know that essential oils were very valuable, even in Biblical times, often cherished more than gold. They were used as medicine throughout ancient Egyptian, Chinese and Greek civilisations and today they are becoming more popular than ever as people re-discover the myriad benefits associated with these plant extracts.

How can you use Essential Oils?

There are infinite possibilities when it comes to using essential oils. Some of the most common ways include:

  • Massaging them (blended with a carrier oil) into your skin
  • Adding them to bathwater
  • Using them in a diffuser
  • Rubbing a drop onto pulse points in lieu of perfume

But, that’s just the beginning! You can also use essential oils for:

  • Cleaning supplies and room deodorisers
  • Freshening your laundry (in lieu of fabric softener)
  • Lotions and soaps
  • Insect repellents (in lieu of toxic DEET)

What are the health benefits of Essential Oils?

There are many ways to use essential oils for overall health and well-being. There are also many studies that note the biological effect and mechanism by which essential oils impart their varied health promoting qualities. The medicinal organic compounds found in essential oils have been found to have antibacterial, anti fungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity.

So, what’s your complaint? There’s an essential oil to help remedy that!

  • Feeling stressed and anxious? Try lavender, lemon, bergamot, peppermint, vetiver, pine or ylang ylang
  • Having trouble falling or staying asleep? Try Lavender, chamomile, jasmine, neroli, rose, sandalwood, sweet marjoram or ylang ylang
  • In pain? Try lavender, chamomile, clary sage, juniper, eucalyptus, rosemary, peppermint and green apple
  • Feeling nauseous? Try Mint, ginger, lemon, orange, ginger, dill, fennel, chamomile, clary sage or lavender
  • Memory and attention issues? Try Sage, peppermint or cinnamon
  • Low energy? Try cardamon, cinnamon, clove, jasmine, tea tree, rosemary or sage

According to the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)

“It [Aromatherapy] seeks to unify physiological, psychological and spiritual processes to enhance an individual’s innate healing process.”

Combat ‘Fake’ Smells with Essential Oils

When we talk “fake” smells, we mean pthalates. These nasties are found in synthetically fragranced products of any kind; perfume, beauty products, skin care, candles, soaps, deodorants, laundry and dish detergents to name a few. Repeated daily exposure to these chemicals can be very damaging to your health. These chemicals are hormone disruptors and can affect all manner of things from fertility, asthma, the abnormal development of male testes and even an increased risk of cancer.

The good news, is that phasing out synthetic, fragranced products and fake smells in our homes and on our bodies is totally doable! Enter the winning alternative…essential oils!

Essential Oils

Are Essential Oils Safe?

Essential Oils are highly concentrated compounds. And, although derived from nature, ‘natural’ is not a synonym for ‘safe’. Because of their potency, essential oils should be used with caution. While they’re generally safe for topical application when diluted and aromatherapy, certain types may be toxic when ingested. With that in mind, do not use concentrated essential oils for internal application, unless approved by a trained professional.

Always start slowly when using a new essential oil. Dilute the oil before using it topically and always check with your doctor or other trained professional if you are taking medication or suffer from allergies. Some essential oils should be avoided if you are pregnant. Research any specific risks associated with the essential oil you are considering to be on the safe side. Safety first!


The Wrap-Up on Essential Oils

Essential Oils can be a beneficial addition to your overall health plan, in conjunction with wise lifestyle choices like good nutrition and exercise. They can help enhance your physical and emotional health and provide one more tool you can keep in your tool bag for managing everyday stress, balancing mood and improving your sleep for example.

Essential oils are also a great addition to many of your homemade beauty and cleaning products, adding both scent and antibacterial qualities.